SASB Standards and the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards are compatible standards for sustainability reporting. They are designed to fulfil different purposes and are based on different approaches to materiality. SASB Standards focus on sustainability issues most likely to influence investor decision-making. GRI Standards focus on the economic, environmental and social impacts of a company in relation to sustainable development, which is of interest to a broad range of stakeholders.
Many companies—including ArcelorMittal, PSA Group, Diageo, and Nike—have used both SASB Standards and GRI Standards to meet the needs of their audiences.
Still, both organisations recognise that the sustainability disclosure landscape can appear complicated, and for companies that use both sets of standards, the reporting effort can be high. To help address this, a joint paper demonstrates how some companies—including General Motors and Suncor Energy—have used both sets of standards together and the lessons that can be shared.